Welcome to Mount Pleasant Senior Men’s Golf Club’s Homepage
Since 1985
Welcome Members, please sign-in to enjoy the website and gain all the information that you are looking for – Player Roster - Tournament Schedules - Your Index - Tournament Results – Analytics, Etc.
Welcome Senior Guest Age 60 and above. The Mount Pleasant Senior Men’s Golf Club can schedule a golf game every Wednesday for you and introduce you to other senior golfers with whom you will build life long friendships.
Our Main Club plays every other Wednesday from March through October with a shotgun start (Apr. & Oct. 8:30 A.M. and May through Sept. 8:00 A.M.). Players are placed in flights by handicap so everyone is competitive when playing in various games like '4 Man teams best 2 Net Balls' or 'Free For All' where there are winners in each of four flights. Your own ball is used in every tournament except for the annual Scramble game.
Our Geezer Div. (you must be a member of the Main Club to join this Division) plays on the allternate Wednesdays during the same months as the regular club and uses the same shotgun starting times as the Main Club. The Geezer Div. plays only individual games and not team games. This Division schedules your foursome or allows you to make your own foursome or even bring guests.
There is also a Winter Geezers league that plays on Wednesdays in the off-season from November to March - weather permitting.
We are proud to have our own website (http://mtpleasantseniors.golfleaguegenius.com) that allows our club to communicate with members; so they can receive all the information that they are looking for – Player Roster – Pictures of the Members - Tournament Schedules - Tournament Results – Analytics – Tips to Improve Their Game – Their Index and Handicap - etc.
For more information contact our Membership Chairman Rick Krause at rick4c91@gmail.com or leave your phone number with our Pro Shop 410-254-5100 and ask them to have the Senior Men’s Club contact you.
For an application ( it gives pricing) click on the Home Tab and the Application Tab.
Thank You!