Mount Pleasant Senior Men's Golf Club
Membership Application
Please complete the application and mail to the Membership Chairman (address below) along with your
check made out to Mt Pleasant Senior Men's Golf Club. Continuing members please fill out at least name,
telephone, and email. Please note: prices are subject to change.
Personal Information:
Name: _________________________ _____________ Birth Date: _______________
Last First mm/dd/yy
Street: ____________________________________________
City: ______________________________________________ Zip Code: ______________
Telephone: ___________________________
email: ________________________________________
1. Please circle one of the following options
2. Send a check for that amount to the Membership Chairman
(Check should be made out to Mt Pleasant Senior Men's Golf Club.)
Options for Dues: (Membership (Main Club) is $35, handicap is $20, Gezeers* is $15)
1. Membership + handicap at Mt Pleasant + geezers* 70.
2. Membership + handicap at Mt Pleasant -- NO geezers* 55.
3. Membership + geezers* -- handicap at Pine Ridge 50.
4. Membership – NO geezers*, handicap at Pine Ridge 35.
*Geezers, a subgroup of MP Men's, plays on the alternate week from the Mt Pleasant Senior Men's Main
Golf Club.
Handicap Information:
Please fill out the following. It really is helpful to various people to have accurate information on file.
Do you have a current handicap? Y N
If yes, location (home course) of current handicap? MTP or _________________________
If yes, where do you want your 2015 handicap? MTP or ________________________________
If no, what is your average score? _______ What course? _______________________ (We will use this
infomation to generate a temporary handicap until you play enough to earn a Golfnet handicap.)
Note: You must also purchase a Players Card from any Baltimore City course for $25.00 which gives you
discounts on all five City courses.
The Club always needs volunteers, please help. Talk to Membership about opportunities and openings.
Membership Chairman: Rick Krause, 7824 Oakleigh Rd., Parkville, MD 21234 410.668.3185
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